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The Cambridge IGCSE and UK GCSEs are equivalent qualifications and both can lead directly to Cambridge GCE Advanced level and Pearson Edexcel A Levels. Levels are accepted as entry qualifications by universities around the world. How to buy O Level certificate? buy O Level fake certificate, how to order O Level fake certificate? purchase Cambridge O Level certificate online.
All our IGCSE and GCSE qualifications are assessed by a final exam, making it particularly suitable for study at home. There is no “coursework”.

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One Certificate is awarded for all levels of the GCE.
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The Cambridge International Examinations’ International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) program is a balanced international curriculum designed to encourage high academic standards through a practical approach to teaching and learning.
The curriculum consists of a course of study leading to examinations usually taken at the age of sixteen. Successful students receive an internationally recognized qualification: the International General Certificate of Secondary Education with a separate award certificate for each individual subject.
The curriculum is suitable for students of all nationalities and all levels of ability. It is ideal preparation for higher-level courses such as the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP). IGCSEs are taught in over 100 countries throughout the world and are recognized as qualifications for matriculation or equivalence purposes by universities in the United Kingdom and many other countries.

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Understanding the CELTA Course
Whether you are looking to teach abroad, in the United States, Canada, the UK, Europe or Australia, the CELTA course is the most widely known and highly respected training program for anyone who wants to teach English.
Here are some key facts about the CELTA teacher training program:
- The CELTA program is administered by Cambridge University, one of the most prestigious universities in the world.
- CELTA stands for ‘Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- CELTA is the original TESOL/TEFL certificate course and has been running for six decades.
- It is the most internationally recognized TESOL training program in the world.
- It is the most highly regarded certification by employers in the U.S. and abroad and will help you land a teaching job in almost any location worldwide.
- The CELTA course is a hands-on practical course based on real teaching experience, working with genuine English language learners in a classroom setting.
- You not only learn about ESOL teaching methods, but you practice what you learn in a real-life classroom, with guidance and feedback from your teacher trainers.
- Our face-to-face CELTA course is run by a team of experienced educators who provide world-class academic guidance.
- There is a maximum ratio of six trainee teachers per teacher trainer, giving you unparalleled individual support and attention from the experts.

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