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QQI is the state agency responsible for promoting the quality, integrity and reputation of Ireland’s further and higher education system.
Ensuring that learners achieve qualifications that are valued nationally and internationally.
Providing trusted information on the qualifications included on the National Framework of Qualifications.
Exceptionally, to mark its 10th Anniversary, QQI will invest €250k in total in 2022/2023 in projects that will help institutions to build the momentum of assessment scholarship and/or professional development relating to assessment in the context of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). This is a further step in the work QQI has been doing with higher education providers on assessment and represents a great opportunity for higher education institutions in Ireland to undertake some timely and innovative research.
In grant aiding projects in this area, we are interested not only in the discrete project outcomes but in fostering a growing community of practice in this area and in making an impact on the professional development of staff involved in assessment in the context of the NFQ. How to buy fake QQI certificate? how to buy fake QQI certificate online? buy fake diploma, buy fake degree. buy fake QQI certificate. make fake QQI certificate. order fake QQI certificate. where to buy fake QQI certificate? QQI certificate. Overall, we wish to help create a platform for enhancing assessment in the context of the NFQ and the reputation of Irish qualifications.
The field of assessment is vast and to avoid diluting efforts we are calling for proposals that address one or more of the following six topics.
Topic 1: Approaches that HE providers can effectively use to determine the validity, reliability and efficiency of their programme assessment strategies in the contexts of intended programme learning outcomes including intended graduate attributes, and their teaching and learning strategies
Topic 2: How are degree classifications (grades) calculated and what are the qualitative reasons for the trends in degree classifications profiles?
Topic 3: Designing assessment that is robust against academic misconduct
Topic 4: McCabe-ICAI Academic Integrity Survey
Topic 5: Rethinking assessment following the COVID-19 experience
Topic 6: The influence of external examining on assessment
In addition to providing funding, QQI will arrange a set of masterclass events relevant to the topics described in Section 4 of this call for proposals. These will be opportunities for personnel from grant-aided projects to be part of a peer community and network. They will be open to all.
The National Academic Integrity Network is a peer-driven network, established in November 2019 by QQI. The Network is focused on actively supporting higher education institutions to
effectively engage with the challenges presented by academic misconduct
embed a culture of academic integrity among providers
develop national resources and tools for providers to address the challenges presented by academic misconduct.
The Network comprises membership from all public higher education institutions universities and institutes of technology, as well as private independent providers, students and student representatives from the Union of Students Ireland. The work of the network is coordinated and supported by QQI.
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